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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The Donald says removal of undocumented immigrants is a "military" operation. Sean Spicer said Trump used it as an adjective. Really?

The Donald says removal of undocumented immigrants is a "military" operation. Sean Spicer said Trump used it as an adjective. Really?

Military used as an ADJECTIVE

Of, for, or pertaining to the army or armed forces as distinguished from the navy
Of, for or pertaining to war
Of, for, befitting or characteristic of a soldier
Following the life of a soldier
Performed by soldiers

How does using it as an adjective make any difference or mitigate at all what The Donald said?

Sean Spicer needs a good old-fashioned unabridged dictionary so he can educate himself as to what words mean instead of trying to defend The Donald and interpret what he "meant". Should we take up a collection and gift him with one?

Posted - February 24, 2017
